Posterous to Octopress on Windows
I just moved this blog from Posterous to vps hosted Octopress. I’ll cover just a few Windows tips that could get into way.
You’ll obviously need Ruby. Go to RubyInstaller to get excellent Ruby prepackaged for Windows. I tried with both Ruby2.0 32bit and 64bit. And both work fine.
Check that you are using correct DevKit. eg. 64bit Ruby requires 64bit DevKit. Octopress setup and installation after that should go fine. Just follow instructions. Only one thing to note: you should avoid paths with spaces and accented national characters in path. C:/Users/username/Documents/blog should be just fine, is your user name is without spaces and accented chars.
Import is done by following Jekyll wiki. Check here.
There was an error generating site that read something like incompatible 852 and utf-8. 852 is my OEM (console) code page. You just need to change code page of your console to utf-8. You can do that by simply typing:
C:\chcp 65001
Note that this changes code page in current console session only.
Since Octopress supports rsync out-of-the box, which is not supported on Windows, I chose to capify deployment. This means adding capistrano to gems, and setup simple deploy_via :copy solution.
That’s it. It wasn’t too hard.